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Impact & Storytellers

  Can virtual reality (VR) be at the center of a global impact campaign? Can VR be a tool that expands learning and engagement?...


1) The Russo brothers have created Marvel’s best directed film.  2) This film is Marvel’s most important development since the original Avengers. The Origin Story...

Impact & Storytellers

Among its many sensibilities, social impact storytelling cares for the free movement of people and human rights. In collaboration with the City of Malibu,...

SIE Voices

Google “disability in film” and the first article that pops up is from 2012, “Disability in film: is cinema finally moving with the times?”...

Impact & Storytellers

Social Impact Entertainment

Transforming Social Impact Through AI-Enabled Engagement The intersection of artificial intelligence and content represents a paradigm shift in how we can engage audiences around...

Impact & Storytellers

Stories connect us — to the natural world, animals, the human experience — and help us make sense of the complexities of life. Storytellers...

SIE Voices

Climate Week NYC 2024 was a whirlwind of activity, with over 600 events crammed into just four days. From the High Line to Meta,...

Social Impact Entertainment

Social Impact Entertainment in Brazil by Steve Solot President, Latin American Training Center-LATC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Although relatively new in Brazil, and in...

Member Voices


In today’s filmed entertainment environment a screenwriter is often asked, “Why this, why now?” In other words they are asked to prove a story’s...

Impact & Storytellers

For decades now, the conventional wisdom in the film industry has been that there are films made for entertainment, and films made with depth,...

Latest Videos

Albert Bandura in Interview with Cinema of Change Albert Bandura in Interview with Cinema of Change


  Tobias Deml and Robert Rippberger went to Stanford, CA to meet 91-year old rockstar of Psychology, Albert Bandura. Bandura pioneered fundamental psychological theories...

Impact & Storytellers

In 2003, two plaintiffs sued McDonald’s Corporation for their failure to warn consumers of the dangers of its food. The case was dismissed, noting...


In 1916, Henry D. Hubbard, the Secretary of the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, spoke to the inaugural meeting of the Society of Motion...


There is no single silence, but a typology of non-hearing and non-listening. Whether the supposed silence of a musical rest, of the anticipation of...

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