Courtney Spence is an enrepreneur and storyteller. She founded Students of the World as an undergraduate at Duke University, and for the last 15 years has worked to support storytellers looking to make an impact in the world.
Welcome to the Cinema of Change podcast with Tobias Deml and Robert Rippberger. Join us for Empowering Social Storytellers with our guest Courtney Spence.
Courtney Spence is an enrepreneur and storyteller. She founded Students of the World as an undergraduate at Duke University, and for the last 15 years has worked to support storytellers looking to make an impact in the world.
In this episode we ask Courtney, what can you do starting out to create Cinema of Change? How can you best build community and allies around your projects? And how do you run a media company that fuels social change? In this episode:
00:27 – Intro: Social Storytellers
01:39 – What to do with your potential?
06:44 – Why create an organization that empowers filmmakers?
08:52 – Don’t wait until you’re powerful later – do it now
10:21 – How to deal with cynics and criticism
13:57 – How to make your nonprofit survive financially
16:37 – The Evolution of your own Impact
19:24 – How has the Impact landscape changed over the last 10 years
23:53 – How can we use Universities as breeding ground for Social Change Media?
29:39 – What makes Cinema so powerful and transformative?
31:39 – How can film help us reflect and learn?
34:58 – A decade of tips for starting your own film nonprofit
Media has always played an important role around the globe. We live in a world of influence and social change - and as filmmakers, we want to contribute to a better world. The question is: How can we make better films that accelerate progress and help people become stronger critical thinkers? How can we expose issues that are important, and publish content that challenges popular conceptions? These podcasts along with the SIE Voices magazine take a multidisciplinary approach and interviews filmmakers, psychologists, researchers and academics. It analyzes success stories of films that had an impact, and portrays companies that are following this path. SIE Voices is a platform to bring impact filmmakers together to share ideas and to challenge our assumptions through debate.
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