By Gillian Hormel and Shelly Tygielski, Founders of Partners in Kind In a world where content is ubiquitous, the entertainment industry holds a unique...
★★★★★ “Aren’t you worried?” “Would it help?” It is exchanges like these, not grueling battle scenes or mercilessly woven plot threads, that become the blood...
Professor Paige teaches at the UC Berkeley French Department and has published a number of papers and books focusing mostly on seventeenth and eighteenth-century...
Lee Mun Wah is an internationally renowned Chinese American documentary filmmaker, author, poet, Asian folkteller, educator, community therapist and master diversity trainer. For more...
Linda Williams is a professor in the Film and Rhetoric departments at UC Berkeley. She teaches courses on pornography, melodrama, and “body genres.” In...
When film transitioned to sync sound in the late 1920s, practitioners faced the question of sound perspective. Specifically, when recording sound on set, where...