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Albert Bandura: The Power of Soap Operas [Video]

Albert Bandura in Interview with Cinema of Change
Albert Bandura in Interview with Cinema of Change


Tobias Deml and Robert Rippberger went to Stanford, CA to meet 91-year old rockstar of Psychology, Albert Bandura.

Bandura pioneered fundamental psychological theories and is the most-quoted living psychologist in the world.
Among the decades of theories, he has pioneered an incredible framework for Serialized Dramas as a means of social impact.

He calls this field “Entertainment Education” and the below interview is one-of-a-kind, exclusively available on Cinema of Change.
Hollywood decision-makers should familiarize themselves with Bandura’s work, as it speaks volumes about our industry; not learning from him would mean re-inventing the  wheel of social impact. We left Stanford with incredible material, now for you to see and learn from.

In this exclusive interview with Robert Rippberger and Tobias Deml, Albert talks about:

  • Entertainment-Education and its theoretical and experimental foundation
  • The power of TV vs. Movies, and how serialized content has a stronger long-term impact
  • His collaboration with Miguel Sabido, who pioneered the application of Education Entertainment as a TV soap opera producer
  • The work of the Population Media Center that has touched 500M+ people and is based on his theories
  • How he went from pioneering the Social Learning Theory to studying serial dramas
  • Models of influence and perception
  • Experimental approaches to media impact
  • His work on chilhood aggression
  • His hallmark work on Self-Efficacy and its relationship to role modeling in pop culture
  • His latest work on global ecology

Read more on Albert’s work that spans 70 years:

Producers: Robert Rippberger, Tobias Deml
Post Production services provided by Prodigium Pictures
Editor: Fernanda Begnini

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Filmmakers have classically created film to entertain, to make art and profit, to advance technology and narrative structures. In the documentary genre, creating awareness of a certain issue is often the central interest. There is a much greater potential within motion pictures though, namely the capacity to transformative influence – films can change society.

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